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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry

Meet Tinsel - Our Elf

11th Dec 2018

Spaceman theme today wrapping everywhere in tinfoil.
Spaceman theme today wrapping everywhere in tinfoil.
Don't forget to brush your teeth.Tinsel
Don't forget to brush your teeth.Tinsel
Late night snack with a friend. Tinsel
Late night snack with a friend. Tinsel
Its cold outside but am toasty in here lol . Tinsel
Its cold outside but am toasty in here lol . Tinsel
A North Pole Breakfast
A North Pole Breakfast
Treats from Tinsel
Treats from Tinsel
71 pictures every where
71 pictures every where
wrapping things up.
wrapping things up.
Tinsel needed a day off after covering the canteen in toilet roll.
Tinsel needed a day off after covering the canteen in toilet roll.