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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2019/2020 School Year

8th Oct 2019
There are lots of maths games on which reinforce our learning. Why...
6th Oct 2019
P6/7 have been busy creating their amazing pieces of Autumn art, which also included...
6th Oct 2019
P6/7 are really enjoying reading the Silver Sword as our class novel, which also...
6th Oct 2019
3rd Oct 2019
This week our writing activity was to write a recipe for chocolate brownies. What...
30th Sep 2019
What better way to spend a  Saturday morning a school clean up.😂😁...
30th Sep 2019
A lovely way to raise money over a cuppa and a wee chat for a great cause. 
24th Sep 2019
A busy week in club: We painted with a variety of different materials straws,...
24th Sep 2019
Primary 4&5 enjoyed writing their own poems and reading others.