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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry

News - Homepage

2023/2024 School Year

30th Aug 2023
What a great first day we had back at school! Also welcome to our new p1s who have...
29th Aug 2023
A wonderful start to our new school year, well done P3&4!

2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
Primary 3,4&5 enjoyed making Rice krispie buns and decorating biscuits this morning...
29th Jun 2023
The primary 6/7 students enjoyed their cooking day. They baked bread, brownies and...
21st Jun 2023
We had a really fun session making summer posters. Look at how well everyone is working...
8th Jun 2023
Today we had our teddies in school. They helped us sing our songs for the show and...
4th Jun 2023
Primary 1 & 2 made use of the lovely weather and enjoyed their maths activity...
24th May 2023
Today we planted some sunflower seeds. It’ll be exciting watching them grow...
19th May 2023
Our school Gaelic team had some excellent performances in the Tower cup today, which...
17th May 2023
What a beautiful morning for having our playtime in the front garden!