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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2020/2021 School Year

10th Jun 2021
Primary 4-7 enjoyed their session yesterday with Karen as part of Shared Education.They...
10th Jun 2021
Today we celebrated our wonderful children and all their hard work through a tough...
4th Jun 2021
What a brilliant day we had in St Columb's Park yesterday - the weather was perfect...
25th May 2021
Today the p1s and 2s were building words using their phonics knowledge. The p3s...
20th May 2021
In today’s yoga session the children got to make 2 sided faces about how they...
18th May 2021
Our story this week is The Gingerbread Man so of course we had to decorate our own...
13th May 2021
The p3s have been using beebots to improve their directional skills. They also help...
13th May 2021
Here are some photos of today’s yoga session with Laura. Thank you to our...
11th May 2021
The after school club really enjoyed playing with their new fairy houses in the...
7th May 2021
Our P6/7 children estimated the length and width of things in our classroom. We...