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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2021/2022 School Year

26th Jan 2022
2022 is the year of the tiger. We have been making lanterns and colouring in pictures...
25th Jan 2022
Everyday we try to do a mental maths session to help with our recall of mathematical...
25th Jan 2022
The p1s have been busy making ‘d’ from play dough and painting it on...
19th Jan 2022
The p2s are learning about money at the moment. We have a shop set up in our classroom...
19th Jan 2022
Well done to Riagan and Raeya for great team work in PE today.
18th Jan 2022
Our class love yoga and they’re getting really good at their poses!
18th Jan 2022
Today we made hot chocolate with marshmallows. It warmed us all up on a cold day!...
13th Jan 2022
Our Primary 3,4 and 5 class started their new World around us topic. The Solar...
12th Jan 2022
During playtime the children get a chance to explore new ideas and try things out...
10th Jan 2022
The p1s are learning a new sound. They love to practice on their whiteboards and...