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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2020/2021 School Year

24th Nov 2020
The p3s have been playing some phonics games this morning. These games help reinforce...
24th Nov 2020
This week’s number is 7. The p1s have been counting to 7 and writing the number....
20th Nov 2020
Primary 6/7 celebrating children’s day  with some great art and iPad...
20th Nov 2020
Everyone enjoyed decorating our class tree🌲.
20th Nov 2020
We had a great day celebrating Odd Socks Day to end a brilliant week of Anti-Bullying...
19th Nov 2020
Well done to all the p3s who got all their spellings right today. In p1 this week...
18th Nov 2020
The p3s are enjoying some quiet time on the iPads either on Lexia or Mathletics...
17th Nov 2020
The p1s are working together to find bears to match up with each number.
17th Nov 2020
As a whole class we are always “United Against Bullying”.
16th Nov 2020
For anti-bullying week we are concentrating on how to be a good friend. In small...