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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2020/2021 School Year

13th Nov 2020
P6/7 are working very hard at their daily reading and doing a lot of quizzes on...
13th Nov 2020
P6/7 were delighted to have Skill School back after our recent break. We enjoyed...
13th Nov 2020
P6/7 have been enjoying their session with Long Tower Youth Club. They are learning...
13th Nov 2020
Look at all the amazing books our new book buddy has sent us. 👍 Thank You...
13th Nov 2020
Primary 1-3 made lovely hedgehogs using Autumn Leaves.🍂 
12th Nov 2020
The p1s have been writing all the letters they know so far. Today we were using...
11th Nov 2020
Playing games on the interactive whiteboard and the iPads is one of the ways we...
11th Nov 2020
The p3s have been writing Autumn acrostic poems. Our inspiration came from the swirling...
10th Nov 2020
The p3s have been learning about putting words into alphabetical order. What better...
10th Nov 2020
This week the sound in p1 is ‘n’. We have been making necklaces from...