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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2020/2021 School Year

7th Oct 2020
The p3s have been looking at all the leaves in the school grounds. They love all...
7th Oct 2020
This week is all about the number 3 in p1. Look at the towers of 3. We have also...
1st Oct 2020
We are looking after our health and well-being.
1st Oct 2020
Even though the weather is getting cooler we still want to try and spend as much...
1st Oct 2020
It is so important to make sure fingers and hands are well exercised before we try...
29th Sep 2020
Today was the first full day for the p1s and they survived brilliantly. We spent...
24th Sep 2020
P6/7 have been using playing cards recently to build their mental maths skills....
24th Sep 2020
P6/7 have been learning about our solar system through their topic work. We were...
24th Sep 2020
Alex from P4 kindly brought in lots of photos and information for on new topic on...
23rd Sep 2020
The p1s had a great time today with some magnifying glasses. They found lots of...