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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2019/2020 School Year

20th Apr 2020
As today marks what would have been our first day back for the summer term and we...
20th Apr 2020
Week beginning the 12th of April. Well done everyone 👏👏
18th Apr 2020
We hope this post finds you and all your families safe and well. Attached below...
13th Apr 2020
Week beginning the 6th of April. Well done everyone keep up the hard work.👏👏
13th Apr 2020
Week beginning the 6th of April. Well done boys and girls you are all doing amazing...
7th Apr 2020
Everyones been working really hard on Mathletics at home.I will upload their Certificates...
7th Apr 2020
Fantastic boys and girls, keep up the great work.👏
6th Apr 2020
Well done to the boys and girls who have been busy on Lexia at home.  Keep...
3rd Apr 2020
Sentinus are posting challenges on Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week starting...