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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry


2018/2019 School Year

4th Jun 2019
Some Primary 6&7 pupils went to Glasgow for 3 days with Mr Harrison, Mrs Park...
3rd Jun 2019
A great day today we welcomed  The Honourable  Irish Society  and...
24th May 2019
cinema trip, fun in the park and a chippy lunch.
17th May 2019
Today Primary 4 & 5  continued their data handling work. We were examining...
17th May 2019
Primary 4 & 5 were making the most of our gorgeous weather yesterday to complete...
17th May 2019
Primary 7s enjoying their I Pad time.
13th May 2019
The children enjoyed making these and I bet you all are getting your fortune  read...
13th May 2019
The after school club made beautiful bird houses.