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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry

🏫School update🏫

19th Mar 2020

School is a very strange place without children - it's missing the hustle and bustle of all the goings on during the day, missing the laughter and fun, missing the smiles and the kindness 😔 What strange times we all find ourselves in. What a surreal situation. Staff have been working very hard preparing ahead for the summer term. We have begun to build learning packs for May/June and are looking at enabling online learning opportunities. Please be reassured we are working hard to support all our families as best we can. My thanks go to my super staff!

As I mentioned before, everyone now has their current learning packs taking them to Easter. But remember, school is not all academic! Remember to take regular brain breaks, and remember fresh air and exercise. Try to do fun things with your family and your child/ren: play board games, sing, laugh, listen to music, tell jokes, share reading/novels/newspapers, help out with house work or in the garden, complete art projects, doing home cooking/baking. Use this as an opportunity to learn new skills, new interests!

Also, remember we are always here to help and support as best we can - we haven't gone away, just embracing a 'new normal' 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫

With my best wishes, look after one another,
Mr D O'Kane