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Ballougry Primary School, Londonderry

🚸Welcome back🏫

17th Aug 2020

It is hard to believe how quickly the summer weeks have passed this year! As we begin to get back to some form of normality, we are planning our return to Ballougry.

There will be lots of detailed guidance issued throughout this week as we plan for different scenarios, so please keep a close eye on our website and here on the Facebook page. This guidance will update you on health and safety, classrooms, homework etc

For now however, as mentioned back in June's letter, we are very pleased to confirm Ballougry will open to all children in all classes on Monday 24th August 2020. We will facilitate a 'as close to normal' timetable meaning all children will be in school for normal hours. All children will need a packed lunch next week as dinners are not being served until 1st September.

Breakfast Club and After School Club will not run this first week as we put plans in place and considered detailed risk assessments for their safe provision. We hope to have them running as soon as possible. The 2-3pm club will run to allow families to be picked up together.

We hope this will allow for you to plan the next few weeks. As I've said, more detailed information will come out over the next few days - keep an eye out.

I look forward to seeing you all next week!

Mr D O'Kane

#ballougryps #learningforthefuture #BackToBallougry2020